
All Wordpress.com Blogs Get WP.me Short Urls

All WordPress.com blogs and pages now have their own wp.me short urls. Automattic decided to follow the short url craze and now grants wp.me urls to all permalinks in WordPress.com blogs, giving more branding to these WP blogs.

Firstly WP.me claims to be the only two-letter .me domain in the world! From now on every blog and post on WordPress.com will have a WP.me URL, which will be linked in the <head> section of the webpage html using rel=shortlink. WordPress promises these permalinks will stay around the internet forever and they will regularly monitor these urls for spam.

So can you get a  short wp.me url for your blog? Sorry, WP.me urls will only work for WordPress.com hosted  blogs.


Where is the wp.me url? Click the “Get Shortlink” button next to your permalink when you edit or write a post, and when you click it you’ll get a popup with the wp.me link.

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