
Design the New WordPress Icons

WordPress 2.7 is going to be released in a few weeks and they are on lookout for icon designers to create new icons which blend with the new ‘smooth’ look.

Wordpress IconsThe icons are required for the main navigation sections, plus a matching pair of list/excerpt view icons for the table screens like Edit Posts. That�s a total of 13, and for the navigation icons they need a larger size for use in the screen headers.

The style they are looking for is subtle icons, with a classic/designed look, thin lines, maybe a little old-fashioned looking. They�ll be grayscale by default, possibly with a color version for active menu items. Since WordPress 2.7 is due to release on November 10, icon designers will have two weeks to finish the design job.

They are looking for qualified professional icon designers with a portfolio to show off. Email them with why you want to design the icons, and include a link to your portfolio. The deadline to send in your request is� Saturday night, October 25, 2008. Hurry.

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